Discipline is talent - Roger Federer

There are legends in every field who re-defined the definitions and re-energize the people first by their actions and later when it comes to converting those actions into abstract speeches/lessons - they do the perfect justice. 

At one point of time I was mesmerized by the Great Steve Jobs's Stanford Commencement Address- Link  in 2005 and now in 2024 again I was floored by the Dartmouth Commencement speech of another legend-Roger Federer Link.

Though both are from different field and have demonstrated skills entirely but both men are known for their exceptional talent, dedication, and determination to reach the top of their field.

Achievements of both of these actually transcend their field and encourages and motivates people to follow their path :

1. Effortless is a myth
2. Belief in yourself has to be earned
3. Grit > Gift 
4. Discipline is talent 
5. Trust and loving the process is talent
6. You can do your best and still lose
7. Life is bigger than the court
8. You can only connect the dots looking back, not forwards.
9. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
10. Time is limited.

May be sometime I will get into following greats :
  • Usain Bolt: delight. 
  • Michael Phelps: awe. 
  • Serena Williams: respect 

Tryst with Moringa

As suggested on some liquid diet videos , I ordered  some organic Moringa powder to start with....

Tharu Community in district Lakhimpur Kheri

For past few days , I was thinking about visiting Indo-Nepal Tharu villages(Why?) so that I can understand their daily life and their background. I did some G-research and found out that there are few options Chandan chowki, Bilraya and Bela Parsuwa. I choose Bela Parsuwa , called a friend of mine with motorcycle, checked the following map and thus started from Palia around 1.00 pm. 

Reached Bela Parsuwa at 3:30 so around 2.30 minutes ride. Met members of Tharu tribe , impressed with their politeness and simplicity. Few points : 
- Tharu community is the most populous tribe in U.P.  
- In Kheri, there are 60,000 Tharu voters who live in Palia and Nighasan Tehsils.
- Many local Tharus depend on farming and forests for their survival. Most of the families have land, which is used for paddy,wheat cultivation. Flood is an issue but they are managing with it.
- Despite Tharus being the most backward tribe in U.P., the government’s focus on improving their situation has ended up helping a lot of Tharus and thus many villagers are employed in govt jobs.
- Mobile network is still an issue , though only BSNL has erected tower for them but its tower maintenance is 'Sarkari' . Locals depend upon nepal telecom as it provides better connectivity in border areas.
- Tharus have to spend much more on Healthcare as there is no good local expertise. 
- Tharu women - some of whom have never been to school wants to become self-reliant. This has led to them forming SHGs(Self Help Groups) but these groups' potential has not been tapped yet so there is scope of women empowerment.

Some of the products of these women are : 

Goa short trip - tips


Tip1 :  Divide your trip to 2 parts . South goa ( for quiet time with less folks and attractions ) and North Goa ( for lots of folks, shopping and attractions ) ... 

Tip2 :  Spend a day in south Goa and then take a trip to Palolim beach( see butterfly beach and dolphins etc ) and if possible then have dinner James Cafe and beach hut 

Tip3 :  Go for water sports in north goa local beaches and don't get trapped to other locations otherwise you may waste both time and money

Tip4 : Spend an evening on boat cruise at Mandavi river in Panji 

Tip5 : Spend an evening at Bagha beach for dance,drink and dinner 


Nothing is too late ...

At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA. At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job. At age 24, Stephen King was working as a janitor and living in a trailer. At age 27, Vincent Van Gogh failed as a missionary and decided to go to art school. At age 28, J.K. Rowling was a suicidal single parent living on welfare. At age 30, Harrison Ford was a carpenter. At age 37, Ang Lee was a stay-at-home-dad working odd jobs. Julia Child released her first cookbook at age 39, and got her own cooking show at age 51. Vera Wang failed to make the Olympic figure skating team, didn’t get the Editor-in-Chief position at Vogue, and designed her first dress at age 40. Stan Lee didn’t release his first big comic book until he was 40. Alan Rickman gave up his graphic design career and landed his first movie role at age 42. Samuel L. Jackson didn’t get his first major movie role until he was 46. Morgan Freeman landed his first major movie role at age 52. Whatever your dream is, it is not too late to achieve it. Never tell yourself you’re too old to make it. Never tell yourself you missed your chance. Never tell yourself that you aren’t good enough. You can do it. Whatever it is.

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