Discipline is talent - Roger Federer

There are legends in every field who re-defined the definitions and re-energize the people first by their actions and later when it comes to converting those actions into abstract speeches/lessons - they do the perfect justice. 

At one point of time I was mesmerized by the Great Steve Jobs's Stanford Commencement Address- Link  in 2005 and now in 2024 again I was floored by the Dartmouth Commencement speech of another legend-Roger Federer Link.

Though both are from different field and have demonstrated skills entirely but both men are known for their exceptional talent, dedication, and determination to reach the top of their field.

Achievements of both of these actually transcend their field and encourages and motivates people to follow their path :

1. Effortless is a myth
2. Belief in yourself has to be earned
3. Grit > Gift 
4. Discipline is talent 
5. Trust and loving the process is talent
6. You can do your best and still lose
7. Life is bigger than the court
8. You can only connect the dots looking back, not forwards.
9. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
10. Time is limited.

May be sometime I will get into following greats :
  • Usain Bolt: delight. 
  • Michael Phelps: awe. 
  • Serena Williams: respect 

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