A coincidence :)

There are 2 people A and B ....
A lives in Australia.........................................................B lives in Norway
A is passionate about India ............................................B is also.
A understands that political solution can revive India....B believes the same
A wants to go back to India to do something..................B wants the same.
A is looking for $$ security before he goes to India.......B is in same same.
A waits for Aus. citizenship............................................B might get Nor. one.
A is an retired IAS officer and now workinf in Aus.......B is soft. prof. in Norway.
A has a future plan here .................................................B has future plan here

I always thought there might be few people like me (B) but recently , I got the e-mail from Raghavendra Prasad,member of FTN who requested me to join FTN and referred to the blog of Sanjeev Sabhlook(A) where I read about his plan and compared it with mine.What a co-incidence ....... I noticed that he has same fear and insecurity and waiting for 'mera wala green' opportunity.

As humans, we look forward to our leaders (dead or alive) and think what they have done when they were in our situation.......I did the same and compared myself to our great leader of all time MK Gandhi and found that he could have been in the same state of mind .........Now questions are ...
  • Why he did not wait for best time to return to India ?
  • Why did not he waited for financial security before he came back to India ?
  • Why he did not think about his primary responsibility in his all life ?
  • Why he consider his 'second responsibility' as 'primary responsibility' ?
Answer to these make him GREAT and us 'Common' and so rightly he was father of nation and what we could just be a 'father'(If lucky :) ).


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