DO NOT eat raw eggs ....

When I was 'young' , we used to see the following ad on national television about the egg.

This ad was institutionalizing the fact that Egg is just great and it does not matter how you eat it. Later I read more about it and I must say that one should understand the constitution of egg to know the fact :
Egg has 2 following main parts :

While part - albumen :
...................approximately 15 Calories
...................Majority of the protein (100 per cent complete in all essential amino acids) content is in the egg white, and since it has just 1% fat; it contributes very little calories to the daily intake. Thus egg whites can be had in multiple numbers daily.

Yellow part - yolk  :
...................approximately 60 Calories
...................A large yolk contains 200+ mg cholesterol ( daily intake of cholesterol is 300 mg)
...................contain so many B-vitamins, trace minerals, vitamin A, folate, choline, lutein, and other powerful nutrients BUT ALSO 90% fat as decide

Don't : Eating raw egg is not good as protein of cooked eggs is nearly twice as absorbable as the protein from raw eggs.Cooking eliminates the direct threat of Salmonella contamination.Cooked eggs are also easier to digest.


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